My name is K. Scott Culpepper. I am a historian, storyteller, speaker, and author exploring the history and mystery of the human experience. My own experiences have included growing up in the rural South where I was awakened to a wider world through reading, viewing, learning, traveling, and serving. The thread that connects my many pursuits is determination to bring the liberating insights of that awakening to others for the common good. I have a particular drive to help people overcome restrictive cultural, intellectual or religious systems to embrace healthy views of themselves, world cultures, the mysteries of faith, and of their fellow humans. My academic training included extensive study in the fields of history and religious studies that culminated with a Doctorate of Philosophy from Baylor University in 2006. That was just the beginning of my continuing quest to know and grow. I serve and share as a college professor, speaker, and author of both fiction and nonfiction. This blog site will serve as a platform for both original posts and links to my articles on other sites. Pretty much anything that sparks my interest is fair game for discussion here. That includes history, religious/theological studies, religion and politics, literature, and popular culture in all of its varied formats. A little satire may appear from time to time too. I will also use this blog and the other pages linked to it to update people on my upcoming speaking engagements and publications. So welcome to the K. Scott Culpepper Blog! I hope you enjoy what you find here and that it adds something positive to your human experience.